Today the FCC adopted new rules for governing the Internet in the United States. These rules will protect and insure a open and neutral Internet. The FCC’s Open Internet Order contains the following rules.
- No Blocking;
- No Throttling;
- No Paid Prioritization;
- Standard for Future Conduct;
- Greater Transparency;
- Reasonable Network Management;
- Interconnection;
- Reclassification of broadband Internet access service as a telecommunications service under Title II;
- Major Provisions of Title II that the Order WILL APPLY:
- No unjust or unreasonable practices or discrimination,
- Allows investigation of consumer complaints,
- Protects consumer privacy,
- Ensures fair access to poles and conduits by providers,
- Protects people with disabilities,
- Bolsters universal service fund support for broadband service in the future.
You can read the entire FCC statement at or a PDF version here.